NH Sled Dog Rescue, History and Education Center (NHSDRHEC) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity that was formed in 2013 by the staff at Muddy Paw Sled Dog Kennel (a recreational sled dog touring outfitter) and regional fellow dog sledding enthusiasts. Our mission is to support working sled dogs in need and provide education about working sled dogs to the public. The NHSDRHEC is funded by adoption fees, sponsorships, donations, seasonal fundraisers and the recreational dog sledding experiences conducted by Muddy Paw Sled Dog Kennel.
Working sled dogs do not typically hold up well when in a shelter environment. They tend to develop behavioral problems and are consequently deemed “unadoptable”. Our facility is a traditional working kennel environment (ie: completely outdoors) which working sled dogs are familiar with and can continue to thrive in.
When a sled dog in need comes to us, they have a home and job for life. Should they lose interest in running or for health/age reasons need to retire, we seek out a wonderful forever home for them to enjoy. Dogs that come to us and are unadoptable due to behavioral or medical needs, have a home with us for life and often end up on the couch of a musher or staff member. We have successfully rehomed several working sled dogs (over 100 for sure) over the years, and strive to continue growing this part of our operation.